Before Ulysses S. Grant became the 18th president - He ... in April of 1865 - General Robert E. Lee surrendered to General ...
Ulysses S. Grant was born. U. S ... with the rank of lieutenant general. No soldier since George Washington had held the rank. As commander, Grant worked to constantly occupy Robert E.
Curt Fields will present a program on May 16 about Grant’s two terms as president. Grant was Rutherford B. Hayes’ ...
Students at Galva Junior-Senior High School met virtually with Ulysses Grant Dietz, a great-great-grandson of the 18th U.S.
On page 931 of his 1,074-page biography of Ulysses S. Grant, author Ron Chernow drops ... estate included ‘the Boston rocker in which General Grant smoked his last cigar.’ ...
Ulysses S. Grant continued the American tradition of electing military figures as presidents—those men who led and won key battles in war. Attempting to be apolitical, Grant campaigned on the ...
A strange notice appeared in the March 27, 1867, issue of the Pulaski Citizen newspaper, which usually carried mostly brief news items and short advertisements for attorneys, carpenters, and goods ...
This nearly 10-acre site is dedicated to the U.S. Civil War general and two-term U.S. president, Ulysses S. Grant, who lived here with his wife, family and enslaved workers in the 1850s.
Ulysses S. Grant, who settled on the land in 1855 to ... so check the farm's website before planning your visit. Though general admission to the farm is free, you will have to pay for parking.
Pp. xiv, 196. Maps, notes., biblio., index. $32.50. ISBN: 0813136776 The Leadership of Ulysses S. Grant is essentially an account of the education of U.S. Grant as a commander. Prof. Laver ...
General in Chief of the Union Army and U.S. President Ulysses S. Grant rose from comparative obscurity to become general in chief of the Union army late in the war, securing victory by through ...
An attempt to cut down on the illegal cotton trade, Grant’s decision, announced on this day in 1862, was immensely controversial and hounded him for years Eli Wizevich The Union general directly ...