You'd be forgiven for thinking that Danish pastries are 100% Danish. After all, they're sold in bakeries across Denmark, stuffed with custard, drizzled with icing, and practically begging to be ...
Denmark has a cake for every season – and reason – but no baked delight is awaited with as much anticipation as the indulgent Danish pastry made for Fastelavn. The fastelavnsboller ...
Despite his petition, Dutoit isn’t even Danish. He’s half French and half Swiss, which he says makes him eligible to be New Denmark’s “Chief Pastry Officer.” “Fortunately, my Danish ...
I never thought that Copenhagen, Denmark, would be the place that amazed me with its environment, safety, and especially the food. Here are five food spots you have to try that might leave you adding ...
“Have you ever looked at a map and thought, ‘You know what Denmark needs ... said it will “throw in a lifetime supply of Danish pastries to sweeten the deal”. “Let’s be honest ...